Posts By

Scott Rose

Community Kemetic Practice Newbies

Kemetic Spirituality for Beginners: How to Get Started in Egyptian Neo-Paganism – Part 3 of 4

November 30, 2021

Lately, I’ve been writing about so many intermediate to advanced to even experimental topics, that I’ve forgotten to continue with my series on Kemetic spirituality for beginners. So sorry, guys! Please excuse my ramblings. This post is way over-due, so let’s jump right in. Building and blending your bases of knowledge and experience Alright, so you’ve set up a scared space (i.e. your very own Kemetic altar and…

Dreams Pyramids Spiritual Growth

On top of the world, looking over the edge: A dream of the Great Pyramid of Giza

November 16, 2021

  ‘I’m showing my age’ is a phrase that makes the gods and guardians chuckle. Have I used this line before? Probably! But I’m showing my age by quoting the genius of Kate Bush and the lyrics from her song Cloudbusting: On top of the world, looking over the edge. This is how I felt during a beautiful dream I had about Egypt, just last night. The dream…

Altars and Shrines Deities Mysticism Ritual Tools

My new laptop is a ritual tool and offering to the gods

October 30, 2021

  It may sound odd, quirky and eccentric to some that my new laptop has become a ritual tool and offering to the gods, which now takes its place among my other ritual tools before the altar and shrine. It all happened rather spontaneously and as with all aspects of my Kemetic practice, I allowed the netjeru to guide the process. The old laptop in which I began…

Anthropomorphism Mysticism Shamanism Zoomorphism

Shape Shifting in Kemetic Neo-pagan Experience 2: Return of the White Werewolf

October 25, 2021

  Return of the White Werewolf is not my 2021 Halloween / Samhain Special.  Okay, maybe it is. But I refuse to objectify him as Halloween fodder for the masses, as I have deep respect for him. This is simply what’s been going on in my life and it’s quite profound. I suspect people who cannot process horror go for the cheap thrills and junk food aspects associated…

Altars and Shrines Kemetic Practice

Evolution of My Kemetic Altar and Shrine – Part 3: Tea with the Netjeru

September 21, 2021

  About six months ago, I had to disturb my Kemetic altar and shrine when I moved to a new residence. I had to leave the location in which the ancient Egyptian deities — the netjeru — first made contact with me. There were personal reasons for this, including the start of a new relationship and the need for a fresh start together. I knew the natural and…

Mysticism Reflection

Love is the reality of gods

September 2, 2021

Love is not merely an emotion we feel toward someone else. Love is the true identity of self we experience, when who we thought we were as an individual human fades away. Love and identity are expansive, encompassing all that exists. Love is the reality of gods; knowing who UR. — The Intuitive Kemetic (@kemetictweets) September 2, 2021…

Ammit Community Maat Pagan Pride

Isn’t pride a sin: Pagan pride in Kemeticism

August 31, 2021

  Let’s talk about pagan pride and its place in Kemeticism. I’ve got work and uni looming on the horizon, so this will have to be a brief-ish post. Lucky you! In short, pagan pride should fill the hearts of every Kemetic neo-pagan out there. Absolutely! There’s a massive difference between taking pride in who you are, versus what you are. The latter is ego, the former is…

Maat Magic Psychic Protection

An Unexpected Execration Ritual

August 6, 2021

  “Sometimes the netjeru do things which seem to border on the paranormal, but are in no way harmful. Like the night we had an unexpected execration ritual.”   There’s so much happening on my path as a Kemetic practitioner, that I often don’t get enough time to write about an experience until months after it occurred. I jot down a few lines in the Notes program on…

Celestial Events Community Holidays Kemetic Practice

Gearing up for Wep Ronpet: The Ancient Egyptian New Year

July 25, 2021

  Wep Ronpet, the ancient Egyptian New Year, falls on a variable day each year from late July to early August. It occurs when the star Sirius (known as spdt or Sopdet ) first rises in Cairo and once coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile river. This celestial event is called the heliacal rising of Sirius and continues to be observed today as the Kemetic New…

Psychic Protection

Protect Yourself from Psychic Attack and Psychic Blocks to Achieve Your Full Potential — Part One: Human Perpetrators

July 12, 2021

  Psychic attack and psychic blocks can happen to the best of us. It happened to me (yet again) just recently and I’ve been involved in spirituality for over 20 years. In this post, I’ll share a personal story, along with some tips on how to deal with psychic attack and psychic blocks quickly and easily. Note that this post addresses human perpetrators only. Non-human perps i.e. negative…