
Celestial Events

Celestial Events Community Holidays Kemetic Practice

Gearing up for Wep Ronpet: The Ancient Egyptian New Year

July 25, 2021

  Wep Ronpet, the ancient Egyptian New Year, falls on a variable day each year from late July to early August. It occurs when the star Sirius (known as spdt or Sopdet ) first rises in Cairo and once coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile river. This celestial event is called the heliacal rising of Sirius and continues to be observed today as the Kemetic New…

Anthropomorphism Celestial Events Shamanism Zoomorphism

Shape Shifting in Kemetic Neo-pagan Experience

June 27, 2021

  Shape shifting, until very recently, was a topic completely outside my jurisdiction, until an intense Subjective Mystical Experience and Encounter (SMEE) changed that. The academic term for shape shifting is zoomorphism, and is the capacity for a human being to transform into an animal. Incidentally, lycanthropy is also the term given to a human being who transforms into a wolf-like creature, better known as a werewolf (see…

Celestial Events Holidays

Embracing and Working with the Full Moon on Halloween 2020

October 30, 2020

  Nobody panic: we’re having a full moon on Halloween this year. It’s also a blue moon, as it’s the second full moon to occur within a single month. According to Farmer’s Almanac, the occurrence of a full blue moon on Halloween only happens once every 19 years and will not be seen again until 2039, 2058, 2077, and 2096 during this century. As a side note, any full…