

Altars and Shrines Mysticism Psychic Protection

She Who Gleams Like Faience in the Sun

February 28, 2023

    Like many of my posts, this one will focus on a Subjective Mystical Experience and Encounter I had, which occurred approximately one year ago. Perhaps a little more. It’s a story I’ve been sitting with and nurturing at times, then leaving it alone and letting it breathe at others. The main question I’ve been pondering sporadically for the past year has been, is she ready yet?…

Kemetic Practice Maat Mysticism Spiritual Growth

The Gazing Eyes of Ma’at

May 17, 2022

  The night I published the post How to Write Your Own 42 Positive Confessions I was visited by the goddess, Ma’at. Curiously, Lady Ma’at did not appear in the usual form of a winged human-like goddess, with an ostrich feather displayed over her head. Rather, she appeared in a new form, detailed below.   I just settled into bed. As per the usual pattern with Subjective Mystical…

Altars and Shrines Deities Mysticism Ritual Tools

My new laptop is a ritual tool and offering to the gods

October 30, 2021

  It may sound odd, quirky and eccentric to some that my new laptop has become a ritual tool and offering to the gods, which now takes its place among my other ritual tools before the altar and shrine. It all happened rather spontaneously and as with all aspects of my Kemetic practice, I allowed the netjeru to guide the process. The old laptop in which I began…

Anthropomorphism Mysticism Shamanism Zoomorphism

Shape Shifting in Kemetic Neo-pagan Experience 2: Return of the White Werewolf

October 25, 2021

  Return of the White Werewolf is not my 2021 Halloween / Samhain Special.  Okay, maybe it is. But I refuse to objectify him as Halloween fodder for the masses, as I have deep respect for him. This is simply what’s been going on in my life and it’s quite profound. I suspect people who cannot process horror go for the cheap thrills and junk food aspects associated…

Mysticism Reflection

Love is the reality of gods

September 2, 2021

Love is not merely an emotion we feel toward someone else. Love is the true identity of self we experience, when who we thought we were as an individual human fades away. Love and identity are expansive, encompassing all that exists. Love is the reality of gods; knowing who UR. https://t.co/gtXbM6hckz — The Intuitive Kemetic (@kemetictweets) September 2, 2021…

Deities Mysticism

Brace for Impact: What to Do When Subjective Mystical Experiences and Encounters Consist of Warnings from the Divine

March 18, 2021

  My three-year relationship with my former fiancé recently crashed and burned before my eyes. I never saw it coming. Well, that’s not entirely true. I was warned by a team of ancient Egyptian deities and Spiritual Guardians before it happened, which allowed me to brace for impact, as it were. I can’t recall exactly what I was doing when the warning came. Chillin’ like a villain? I…

Animism Deities Environment Mysticism

Animism in Kemetic neo-pagan practice: Meeting and working with an acacia tree goddess

November 22, 2020

    Animism is the term we use to describe the belief that all things, plant, animal and objects both natural and man made are inherently possessing of a spiritual life-force. Many ancient peoples believed in animism, including pre-pharaonic Egyptians. Animism maintains that a spiritual life force endows all things with at least some form of soul essence and some sources even suggest, consciousness.  Where do Kemetic neo-pagans…

Deities Mysticism Spiritual Growth

My Life with the Netjeru

November 15, 2020

  The weekend is finally here and I’m relaxing in my room, just like billions of other people on the planet, except for one difference. I’m basking in the glow of the presence of ancient Egyptian deities, the netjeru, who have gathered around me in greeting. I’m filled with a sense of wellness and peace. Everything is perfect just as it is. I get out of bed and…

Divination Gardening Magic Mysticism

Phalaenopsis Hieroglyphica Orchid: The Orchid Oracle

October 10, 2020

  The Hieroglyphic Phalaenopsis If Kemetic neo-pagans had to choose just one orchid to represent their religion, they wouldn’t need to look any further than the outstanding orchid species Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica, so named for its fascinating glyph-like markings. Also called the The Hieroglyphic Phalaenopsis, this plant is a sure friend of mystics, spiritual seekers and scribes, which I’ll talk more about later in this post. We know, of course, that…