Monthly Archives

July 2021

Celestial Events Community Holidays Kemetic Practice

Gearing up for Wep Ronpet: The Ancient Egyptian New Year

July 25, 2021

  Wep Ronpet, the ancient Egyptian New Year, falls on a variable day each year from late July to early August. It occurs when the star Sirius (known as spdt or Sopdet ) first rises in Cairo and once coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile river. This celestial event is called the heliacal rising of Sirius and continues to be observed today as the Kemetic New…

Psychic Protection

Protect Yourself from Psychic Attack and Psychic Blocks to Achieve Your Full Potential — Part One: Human Perpetrators

July 12, 2021

  Psychic attack and psychic blocks can happen to the best of us. It happened to me (yet again) just recently and I’ve been involved in spirituality for over 20 years. In this post, I’ll share a personal story, along with some tips on how to deal with psychic attack and psychic blocks quickly and easily. Note that this post addresses human perpetrators only. Non-human perps i.e. negative…