Image © Scott Rose / Kemetic Blog – All Rights Reserved.
About six months ago, I had to disturb my Kemetic altar and shrine when I moved to a new residence. I had to leave the location in which the ancient Egyptian deities — the netjeru — first made contact with me. There were personal reasons for this, including the start of a new relationship and the need for a fresh start together. I knew the natural and spiritual energies of where I had been living were exceptionally good, so I was concerned about the psychic impact of the move on my link with the netjeru. Those concerns were fairly well-founded but I’m happy to report, not disastrous.
From the get-go, I had a feeling the move was going to be a challenge in terms of re-establishing the energy of my Kemetic altar and shrine. Having said that, the goddesses and gods of ancient Egypt have long outlasted the civilisation which originally formed links with them. They’re not weaklings by any means! Yet, what I am learning, through my own subjective mystical relationship with the netjeru, is the energy around you needs to be high-quality and positive in order to have a good connection with them. You can’t do much without a good WiFi connection these days, right? And we crack it, when the WiFi is poor. Metaphysically, it’s the same thing: we have psychic WiFi.
Interaction with high-quality, positive energy is how the netjeru sustain themselves. This energy is the food they eat, it’s the air they breathe and the water they drink. We aren’t kidding when we say they are living gods. In order to have a strong link with us, they need to have that energy to hone in on and connect to. Of course, they can intervene on our behalf in emergencies but for a sustainable, ongoing, long-term connection, the energies have to be right. This is where offerings come in at your Kemetic altar and shrine. Offerings amplify the energy that sustains and nourishes the netjeru, making it easier for them to operate in our reality. The Kemetic altar and shrine becomes a mini temple; an anchor for the netjeru to comfortably establish themselves in your life.
After living in the same house for a number of years, you tend to build up a psychic energy, which maintains itself along with the natural energy of the location. It helps if you live in a nice area. Where I used to live, there was a creek nearby, with nature spirits and divas who knew me by name and knew me on a soul level. We reinforced one another energetically, which then made it easier for the netjeru to connect. I’d also been a member of the local environmental care group that planted native trees and grasses, picked up litter and pulled out invasive weeds in rehabilitated bushland. Over the years, I saw birds and water dragons return to the area. When I first arrived, it was practically dead. Having the vibration of a thriving ecosystem around you most definitely attracts the old gods. I wonder if perhaps the creek near my house was like a mini Nile to the netjeru?
The picture above is what my Kemetic altar and shrine looked like at the time of Wep Ronpet, 2021. It’s taken a few months to establish the energy and get it to resemble what it was like before. I’ve learned through trial and error how to ease the transition, which may help others. Essentially, cleanse your new area with incense (such as kyphi) or oils. Energise the space with a variety of offerings made often, and seal the area with natron or sea salt to keep unwanted energies out. It doesn’t hurt to invoke the netjeru with a proper ritual and invite them to check out their new territory. I don’t mean to make ancient Egyptian deities sound as if they are pets, they’re certainly not. My point is, don’t always expect the netjeru to do all the work simply because they are gods. They won’t automatically clear a space and set themselves up in your new home. Remember, we’re hosting the gods in our domain of the physical world. A little hospitality goes a long way. Think for a moment, what we’ll require from the gods when we enter their domain in the after life. The needs of the gods are far less, so we can certainly accommodate them.
The netjeru normally reside in a non-physical realm, so think of the Kemetic altar and shrine as a home away from home for them. They are extending themselves to interact with us. When you travel and stay in a hotel, you need a few things. A comfortable room, food and so forth. The netjeru essentially need the same thing. They affect physical reality from a space that is non-physical, they affect matter from energy, or from the quantum level.
Anyway, this post has been somewhat rushed. I have six hours to sleep and go to work for a 12 hour shift — this is my life — so it will have to do! Thank you for reading Kemetic Blog. As always, stay safe and well.
© Scott Rose / Kemetic Blog – All Rights Reserved.
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