

Anthropomorphism Mysticism Shamanism Zoomorphism

Shape Shifting in Kemetic Neo-pagan Experience 2: Return of the White Werewolf

October 25, 2021

  Return of the White Werewolf is not my 2021 Halloween / Samhain Special.  Okay, maybe it is. But I refuse to objectify him as Halloween fodder for the masses, as I have deep respect for him. This is simply what’s been going on in my life and it’s quite profound. I suspect people who cannot process horror go for the cheap thrills and junk food aspects associated…

Anthropomorphism Celestial Events Shamanism Zoomorphism

Shape Shifting in Kemetic Neo-pagan Experience

June 27, 2021

  Shape shifting, until very recently, was a topic completely outside my jurisdiction, until an intense Subjective Mystical Experience and Encounter (SMEE) changed that. The academic term for shape shifting is zoomorphism, and is the capacity for a human being to transform into an animal. Incidentally, lycanthropy is also the term given to a human being who transforms into a wolf-like creature, better known as a werewolf (see…