Gosh, I came here to check on things and work on a post and now I have hate mail to deal with. I should warn you, it’s not pretty. I’m thinking this calls for a cup of hot cocoa to defrost my caucasian, homosexual toes (we’re in winter in the Southern Hemisphere) then let’s process this and be done with it, as quickly as possible. I suppose…
The night I published the post How to Write Your Own 42 Positive Confessions I was visited by the goddess, Ma’at. Curiously, Lady Ma’at did not appear in the usual form of a winged human-like goddess, with an ostrich feather displayed over her head. Rather, she appeared in a new form, detailed below. I just settled into bed. As per the usual pattern with Subjective Mystical…
How to write your own 42 Positive Confessions for modern Kemetic practice, using the 42 Negative Confessions from the Papyrus of Ani
May 11, 2022The 42 Positive Confessions, which may form an optional part of Kemetic practice, are an adaptation of the original 42 Negative Confessions in the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. One very good example can be found in the Papyrus of Ani. The aim of using adaptations is to make the confessions more relevant in today’s world (for example, most of us today don’t need to worry about…
Let’s talk about pagan pride and its place in Kemeticism. I’ve got work and uni looming on the horizon, so this will have to be a brief-ish post. Lucky you! In short, pagan pride should fill the hearts of every Kemetic neo-pagan out there. Absolutely! There’s a massive difference between taking pride in who you are, versus what you are. The latter is ego, the former is…
“Sometimes the netjeru do things which seem to border on the paranormal, but are in no way harmful. Like the night we had an unexpected execration ritual.” There’s so much happening on my path as a Kemetic practitioner, that I often don’t get enough time to write about an experience until months after it occurred. I jot down a few lines in the Notes program on…