

Animism Kemetic Practice Magic Ritual Tools Sekhmet

The Claw of Sekhmet

November 24, 2022

  The Claw of Sekhmet is a personal ritual tool I’d like to share with readers this Thanksgiving, as an example of how to use your own intuitive abilities and investigative skills when searching for ritual tools, and other sacred objects to include in your practice.  When you feel the need to start searching for the right tools to have in your magical arsenal, know these tools are…

Kemetic Practice Magic Newbies

Kemetic Spirituality for Beginners: How to Get Started in Egyptian Neo-Paganism – Part 4 of 4

September 30, 2022

  Heka — or ancient Egyptian magic — goes hand in hand with Kemetic spirituality. In fact, it’s hard to separate one from the other. Perhaps that’s because the ancient Egyptians lived in a world infused with magic.  In this fourth and final instalment of Kemetic Spirituality for Beginners, I’d like to demystify the mystical as much as possible, just as my teachers once did for me. The…

Maat Magic Psychic Protection

An Unexpected Execration Ritual

August 6, 2021

  “Sometimes the netjeru do things which seem to border on the paranormal, but are in no way harmful. Like the night we had an unexpected execration ritual.”   There’s so much happening on my path as a Kemetic practitioner, that I often don’t get enough time to write about an experience until months after it occurred. I jot down a few lines in the Notes program on…

Divination Gardening Magic Mysticism

Phalaenopsis Hieroglyphica Orchid: The Orchid Oracle

October 10, 2020

  The Hieroglyphic Phalaenopsis If Kemetic neo-pagans had to choose just one orchid to represent their religion, they wouldn’t need to look any further than the outstanding orchid species Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica, so named for its fascinating glyph-like markings. Also called the The Hieroglyphic Phalaenopsis, this plant is a sure friend of mystics, spiritual seekers and scribes, which I’ll talk more about later in this post. We know, of course, that…