

Animism Reflection YouTube

Mash Up Post: Reaching Page One on Google, Animism YouTube Video and Reflection

December 6, 2020

  This week I’m trying something new with a mash up post, including reaching page one on Google, animism YouTube video and reflection on the path so far. Hope you enjoy!  Reaching Page One on Google In just four months, Kemetic Blog: Kemetic Spirituality in Today’s World has made it to page one on Google for the search term ‘Kemetic Blog’. What a journey it has been and…

Community Kemetic Humor Reviews YouTube

The Kemetic Cookie Co: An Offbeat Review of Sharon LaBorde’s Live Kemetic Reform Service on YouTube

October 18, 2020

  The Kemetic Cookie Co is not a real enterprise but wouldn’t it be nice if it was? I had a flash of inspiration for it during Sharon LaBorde’s live Kemetic Reform service on YouTube, which I’ll talk more about in a sec; I’m on a roll with these cookies here. We could reinvent the fortune cookie with a Kemetic spin and that could be the start of…

Mysticism Tutankhamun YouTube

Kemetic Impressions of Tutankhamun: Video Version

September 13, 2020

The original post for Kemetic Impressions of Tutankhamun weighs in at nearly 3,000 words. As such, I thought readers and viewers might enjoy a video version of the post for those who want to relax and listen, instead of trudging through such a big post. Either way, Tutankhamun is well-worth the effort. The video is nothing fancy. I don’t necessarily look my best; I’m often wiped out from…

Altars and Shrines Newbies YouTube

Discussion on Kemetic Altars and Shrines

August 30, 2020

In this video, I discuss Kemetic altars and shrines a bit further from a beginner’s perspective. My hope is to compliment experienced practitioners and encourage the newbies as well. The point is, if you are a new practitioner like me, there’s no need to rush out and buy a bunch of Egyptian stuff to get started. You can get started right now. You and your relationship with the…

Newbies YouTube

Newbie on a Kemetic Spiritual Path

August 9, 2020

  In this video, I talk about being a newbie on a Kemetic spiritual path, along with some background on how I got started. Each of us will have our own unique stories and our own personal connection to the netjeru, or ancient Egyptian deities. I think an important distinction to emphasise is the deities are not trapped in the past. They are in the here and now;…