The continuation of my review on Profane Egyptologists is long overdue. My apologies to any and all who’ve been waiting. I’ll blame it on Uni; I’m an enrolled nurse in Australia, studying to become a registered nurse. As such, I don’t have a lot of time for leisure reading, however, I’m determined to finish reading Profane Egyptologists this year. Profane is different from other Egyptology books because it’s not…
Kemetic Spirituality for Beginners: How to Get Started in Egyptian Neo-Paganism – Part 3 of 4
November 30, 2021Lately, I’ve been writing about so many intermediate to advanced to even experimental topics, that I’ve forgotten to continue with my series on Kemetic spirituality for beginners. So sorry, guys! Please excuse my ramblings. This post is way over-due, so let’s jump right in. Building and blending your bases of knowledge and experience Alright, so you’ve set up a scared space (i.e. your very own Kemetic altar and…
Evolution of My Kemetic Altar and Shrine – Part 3: Tea with the Netjeru
September 21, 2021About six months ago, I had to disturb my Kemetic altar and shrine when I moved to a new residence. I had to leave the location in which the ancient Egyptian deities — the netjeru — first made contact with me. There were personal reasons for this, including the start of a new relationship and the need for a fresh start together. I knew the natural and…
Gearing up for Wep Ronpet: The Ancient Egyptian New Year
July 25, 2021Wep Ronpet, the ancient Egyptian New Year, falls on a variable day each year from late July to early August. It occurs when the star Sirius (known as spdt or Sopdet ) first rises in Cairo and once coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile river. This celestial event is called the heliacal rising of Sirius and continues to be observed today as the Kemetic New…
Do any modern Egyptians practice Kemetic Paganism, or ancient Egyptian religion?
April 27, 2021A thought popped into my mind, while reading part one of Profane Egyptologists (as Paul Harrison muses about whether or not the Egyptological community and modern Egyptians alike would accept non-Egyptian Kemetics as legitimate practitioners of ancient Egyptian religion). Then it struck me again, while watching the Pharaoh’s Golden Parade of royal mummies to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization — Do any modern Egyptians practice Kemetic Paganism or…